Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Non-review of Rollins' "Devil Colony"

Okay, so I tried.

I tried to do something else this week.  I don't have a review of Devil Colony, because it hasn't come out yet (unless you're reading this after the 21st).  As of it's posting, there's still 2 days left until THE DAY.

So, rather than review another novel that is great, but not Rollins (sorry, other novel, I do love you, but...), I decided to just talk about how excited I am that Devil Colony is finally coming out.  And in case you missed the implication--I AM REALLY EXCITED THAT DEVIL COLONY IS FINALLY COMING OUT!

I read (and reviewed) The Skeleton Key.  I devoured the excerpt from Devil Colony that was included in the $.99 price tag.  I loved them both.  But at the end of the day, all they did was make things worse.  I have been on figurative pins and needles since then.

And so, by all rights I should be talking about some other novel here.  Instead, I'm raving about how awesome the excerpt was and how excited I am to read this stinkin' novel.

If there's any frustration on your side that I've done so, I apologize profusely.  But, since it's my blog, while I will beg your forgiveness, I'm gonna go ahead and wax poetic about Rollins some more.

If you're a Rollins fan already, you've probably already pre-ordered the book.  But on the off-chance that you're not, I really recommend that you do so, NOW.  Seriously.  Just the excerpt was enough to keep me up at night in anticipation.

So do yourself a favor and go get it here!

And, unless I miss my guess, I'm pretty sure that @mrneil98 will be reviewing Devil Colony for real next week.  If not, you know that I absolutely will in the week after that.

Happy reading!

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